And I'm at work.... Been here since about 10.00 this morning to let some guys in to do the last bits and pieces to the office and warehouse in one big blitz this weekend. Of course, Murphy's Law kicked in and the sun's been shining all day, its been warm and basically one of the best Saturdays we've had this summer.... Spending it in an industrial estate in Walkinstown wasn't my idea of the perfect Saturday (or Sunday for that matter, because I'm here tomorrow too...) but its exciting, oddly enough...
Seeing your business coming together like that, is actually a real kick.
The guys told me they'd be here at 10ish... Oh yes! The all important unit of time measurement for the trades here.... the big 'ish'! Now this unit of time varies in definition depending on who you're dealing with. These guys for instance consider the 'ish' as being anything in the region of 1 to 1and a half hours, which by my experience of getting people in to do work, is actually considered to be punctual. I've had ish's that went from 4 hours to infinity (ie: they didn't show up at all...).
For instance, consider the worst of the Irish industry definitions of this term. Its currently held by NTL. If they tell you that they'll be there between 9.00am and 13.00, you need to take the period of time involved (ie: 4 hours), multiply it by 2 or 3 and then add a couple of extra hours in for good measure... Then add a week...That's for a scheduled appointment. Now, if you need a service or a call out and you want to get a date from them, forget it.....
Anyways, that was just a minor rant, which I'm allowed given that I'm in at the weekend and that I'm not getting overtime for it :-) Talk soon...