I've been getting ready for Christmas since June.... Don't ask! Its part of the business I suppose. But even so, I can't believe that its already looming up in 3 weeks.
No matter how much I watch the calendar, it always seems to sneak up on me and before you know it, BAMM.. its already too late to post your cards to the US. Next thing you know, that social snowball starts to get out of control with people calling and saying, 'we really must meet for a drink before Christmas'.
The guilty realisation that you may not in fact have seen them since last Christmas suddenly has you accepting every possible invitation that comes your way and,before you now it, you're already relishing the thought of going into post-Christmas detox. Well, actually, its just a thought - I've never tried the real thing. I don't think detox is my cuppa tea to be honest. I think my body might go into seizure or shock if I suddenly withdrew one of its staples.
Anyway, what was I ranting about....? Damn it... its gone - probably the first symptom of it then...