I cannot believe that its been Christmas since I entered a post to this Blog....
Well, thankfully that's all over and we're now well into Spring with Paddy's weekend marking the start of the thaw. Not that you'd know it from the weather here.. Its manky out there - there's a gale force wind blowing and snow is forecast for tonight and tomorrow. At least the dafos are coming out anyways so the better weather must be around the corner....
I was walking down to Tesco's yesterday at about 3ish and I was surprised to see that there were so many people about for the march. In true Irish style, the pubs seemed to be recovering lost business with hordes of people downing drinks as if it was about to be outlawed...
Once in Tesco's I set about finding myself something that tasted like normal food but could be pinged in the microwave. The place was buzzing with people. Oddly enough though, the one thing that seemed to be selling the most were trays of beer.... and, by the looks of it, mostly being bought by Polish guys... The stuff was just walkin' out of there... (in case you're still wondering, I picked up a chicken and potato chorizo dish - not too bad either.)
Anyways, all in all, a very quiet and civilised day for me on Paddy's. Tried to get The Queen on DVD again from Xtravision, but its still out - they screwed up on that one...
So I ended up watching The Great Global Warming Swindle and, folks, I have to tell you, that I am now thoroughly confused and no I've idea what to believe anymore. Some weeks ago, I took out a DVD by Al Gore called An Inconvenient Truth - (thanks to B for recommending it). Excellent documovie. Once you've watched it, you'll have the urge to recycle everything in sight and sell the car in favour of a bike. Al effectively confirms everything that we've all tried hard to ignore for the past few years and re-awakens urges from years ago from within yourself to make a difference, take action and change the world.... All very noble and right and proper and all that. So just as you're getting accustomed to watching TV in the dark - to save electricity - and showering in cold water (just kidding), along come the other crowd with their even more convincing documovie....
Although I'm still sifting through the ideas put forward by the two sides to try and make head or tail of the issue, I find it difficult to believe that man's behaviour hasn't contributed to the whole problem that we now face. The idea that all these changes in global and atmospheric trends have happened just because of an increase in solar flare activity and atomic particles seems a bit too conveniently coincidental, no matter how good the argument is.... Having been educated and raised in the shadows of Catholic Ireland, I have inherent belief that all things that we enjoy are shortlived, wrong and that, ultimately, one has to pay the price for it before being banished to Belgium or hell. The over-consuming, hoarding world in which we live and have shaped may indeed one day have to pay the price for what it has enjoyed to date... And maybe that time is coming sooner than we think!
1 comment:
Wow, all that from Beer Looting Poles wearing "Kiss Me I'm Irish" t-shirts. Perhaps that chirozio was a bit off?
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