Seriously people! I know I'm ranting again now, but how much bloody water can clouds hold?! Its been lashing non-stop almost since we got back from holidays 2 weeks ago!
The garden, unlike our expectations, did not die away from thirst while we were away. No sir. Quite the opposite. We came back to not only find the place had turned into a sub-tropical jungle, but the fish pond was almost overflowing! Another week of this and they'll be able to swim across the garden and I'll have to swap the Vespa for a dingy.
I just came back from my customary pilgrimage to the Centra for smokes and milk, only to find that the plastic bag I was carrying the stuff in had also managed to grab the equivalent of about a cup of water at the bottom... And, I was carrying an umbrella so that gives you some idea of what I mean by 'shite weather'!
I'm just not a happy camper!
the sun have been spotted on the north side........ i have the photos to prove it.
I think the problem lies in the fact that the clouds cannot take anymore water in them and dump it all on us before going off to fairer parts of Europe. Bastards. I mean, really... what is Greenland for if not to take one for our team?
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