Its been an eventful few weeks since my last post. I finally escaped Alcatraz at the end of last month following what I can only remember as being a very boozy 2 week run of lunches, dinners and drinks.
The first week out of Alcatraz was a strange feeling. Having spent so long in the structured environment and routine of the workplace, it seemed really unfamiliar to suddenly be in charge of my own time. And it needs a fair bit of discipline, which is not one of my strongest qualities! I knew I wasn't on holidays, so I didn't have that feeling. I knew I wasn't working for someone else, so that feeling started to sink in eventually. I remember on one of the days, I decided to go for a swim mid-morning and I actually felt a sudden kick of guilt from it, as if I was absconding from my responsibilities to go and enjoy myself without permission. I just couldn't quite pin down the way I felt. I was over the moon at having finally left, but not sure of where I had landed.
Last week, though, things started to gel a bit more. I started things moving with the business set-up and started to see some results. All in all, I know I've a shit-load of things to do, I know that some of it won't come easily or naturally, but I have to say that I am, for the first time in years, actually buzzed about what lies ahead. All in all, things are great! I've even started to go to the gym again and get some excersize to burn off those extra kilos that have been sneaking up on me and taking up what seemed like permanent residence.
Of course, there is a down side to being around the house during the day. No, its not Day Time TV - hate that stuff anyway... Don't see the point of it. No, the big downside is that you're at home for all the feckin' politicians when they come canvassing. Its like being under seige. You can't walk out of the door without being accosted by them. Not to mention the amount of election leaflets and promos that they're dumping in my mailbox everyday of the week...
I'm really looking forward to the next few months though, even if I know some of it will scare the crap out of me. So, for the next 4 weeks, I'm going to concentrate on getting all the bits of the plan moving forward. Even if I don't get things tied up, I want to have started some progress on each area. Then comes the break before the hard slog....
Last week we were given tickets to go see the George Michael concert (at the Point I think), which takes place the day before we head off on holidays to Mykonos. It should be a great gig - as long as George himself can make it after his last court appearance. I can't wait to get there... Even when we get back, we have the Pride March in Dublin on the day after our return. You just couldn't get a better way to start and finish the holidays...
Today is Sunday. Its a bit grey out there and not particularly warm, but we have to go for the ritual dinner with the inlaws anyway, so its probably just as well. I've been listening

to Newstalk all morning and all they been talking about is the Election, how Bertie managed to get his house done up and paid for by someone else and Mary Harney's ongoing bitch-fight with the nurses' unions (there's a bit of Thatcher coming out in that woman... I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes the first lady Taoiseach one day!) Bbrr....